

There are no legal requirement to obtain a certified qualification to work within the dog grooming industry.  The Australasian Dog grooming academy promotes Learning and Education prior to branching out and commencing your own business. Our aim is support, promote and teach the art of grooming and prepare you to be professional, credible, and successful. We encourage ongoing education regardless of what role you play within the industry and are here to help you every step of the way. We wish you ongoing success.

At the successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion.

If you are wanting to acquire a certified qualification we can also assist.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss further.

Australasian Dog Grooming Academy

"Where education leads to success!"

Our courses have been developed in house and comprehensively explore all aspects of grooming they consist of both practical and theory components to balance your level of learning and ensure that it is relevant.

Need to know more or have an enquiry please CONTACT US and we will answer any of your enquiries.